Programa 1670
28 de maig / may de 2019
Host: Rafel Corbí
Des del 1987
Syndicated/Sindicat +40 emissores/stations
(Catalunya, Espanya, França, Andorra)
Programa de música country emés per 40+ emissores dels països de parla catalana. Presentat i dirigit des del 1987 per Rafel Corbí.
Kellie Pickler - Kellie Pickler 2008\01. Don't You Know You're Beautiful
Kellie Pickler - Kellie Pickler 2008\07. Best Days Of Your Life
Kellie Pickler - Kellie Pickler 2008\04. Didn't You Know How Much I Loved You
Kellie Pickler - Kellie Pickler 2008\09. Makin' Me Fall In Love Again
Joel Jorgensen - Highway Lullabies (2019) 320\02. Highway Lullabies
Joel Jorgensen - Highway Lullabies (2019) 320\01. Turn Me into Water
Dailey & Vincent - Patriots And Poets 2017\01 - Gimme All The Love You Got
Dailey & Vincent - Patriots And Poets 2017\06 - Unsung Heros
Dailey & Vincent - Patriots And Poets 2017\11 - That Feel Good Music
Johnny Rivers\Anthology - 01 - Memphis
Johnny Rivers\Anthology - 29 - Positively 4th street
Johnny Rivers\Anthology - 02 - Maybelline
Johnny Rivers\Anthology - 08 - Where have all the flowers gone
Stephen Martines - Sounds Like Whiskey